Gift-in-Kind Sponsor Skip to main content

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Gifts in kind are just as important as cash. Sometimes they can be even more valuable.
Gifts in kind are donated goods and services from individuals, nonprofit and corporate donors that they are usually able to provide themselves. They come from private collections, stock on the shelves, business services rendered and the talents of professionals. Often, they come from the storerooms bulging with old stock, office supplies or retired technology. Many times, they are goods and services that the nonprofit did not even know they needed or wanted.
The goods and services can also be donated to be used to support the organization through auctions and retail sales. Through Access Ready’s Grand Collections online store for example.
Quite often donors are not sure what they can contribute. The following is a list of goods and services that Access Ready is always in need of. Potential donors can always discuss potential gifts with the Access Ready Execution Team to confirm needs and gift ideas.
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The following ideas should not limit your imagination on how you can help.

Collectibles of all kinds
Consulting services
Legal services in all fifty states
Office space in the Pinellas County Florida Area
Office Space in all fifty state capitals
Office supplies
Old and retired technology like computers and mobile phones
Printing services
Professional services
Storage space in the Pinellas County Florida Area
Travel through airline miles, hotel points, and other such credits
Website hosting services